Frequently asked questions

Check out our FAQ section to know all about installing natural green lawns and maintaining them.

1How to choose the right type of grass?
Choose the right variety of grass. It depends on where you are planting it and its usage. It depends on the availability of sunlight, type of soil like if you are planting in coastal areas where the salt content is high.
Check our blog, ‘Natural Carpet Grass Varieties’ for more information.
2Why ground needs to be levelled before planting turf grass?
There is a need to level the ground where you are planning to install the green natural carpet grass. About 87% people don’t level the ground with a commercial road-roller. It is a major reason for imperfect finish & short grass life. So, our advice is to level the ground before planting the carpet grass.
3How to prevent smelly and discoloured grass ?
83% people don’t take care of proper water drainage. It results in water accumulating and results in smelly & discoloured grass, creating patches of dead grass which is aesthetically very unpleasant to eyes.
4Why is the carpet grass treated chemically?
Natural grass that is not treated chemically results in high degree of weeds which need to be taken out later. The cost and effort of removing weeds is a massive maintenance problem for the customers. Source your natural green carpet grass from those who supply chemically treated grass.
5How to take care of lawns in Monsoons?
Slope stabilization is a critical aspect of soil, water, overall environmental conservation, and proper land management, particularly in areas prone to erosion and landslides.
Check our blog, ‘Lawn Care in Monsoons’ for more information.
6How to take care of grass?
A majority of people don’t know that loose grass needs to be planted within 48 hours after harvesting, else it can get spoiled.
7Which should you choose for your lawn - Traditional dibbling or natural green carpet grass / turf grass?
The initial cost for natural green carpet grass / turf grass is high as compared to traditional dibbling. But in the longer term, the cost of maintaining the lawn works out cheaper as less maintenance is required.